“A special moment with your guardian angels”
Aloha! My name is Mia Takamatsu from Honolulu, Hawaii. I am Japanese and part Native American (Irish and German) from my mother’s side. I am an empath & psychic reader who can connect to your guardian spirits. I was born looking at the world differently than everyone else around me. I always thought that everyone had the same ability as me until I met a friend in college who told me that I have a very special connection to the spiritual world. Ever since I realized my ability, I have met more people who have spiritual ability. They all told me that it is a gift to help people using empath and psychic reading. To confirm, I have connected with my guardian spirits and my past life was a spiritual healer in Jerusalem healing women to live their life fully and feel very confident. I know that my ability is a gift to help people in this generation.
To date, I have helped over 1,500 people around the world. I believe that messages from your guardian spirits can help you to enhance your life and help you to live the best life possible.
You will receive deeper clarity / overcome:
· Personal Growth / Spiritual
· Love & Relationships
· Career
· Health
· Stress / Anxiety / Worries
· Past Lives
· Life Purpose
· Energy Shift / Move Thought Patterns
· Transitions / Struggles
· Self-Love / Healing / Aura Colors
· And More...
Mia Takamatsu
Our “Power of Healing” bracelet course ($295) includes:
15 minutes empath reading
Custom bracelet based on selected stones to best match your current energy
Detailed explanation of why the stones were selected using empath reading
The “Power of Healing” Bracelet
Our “God of Healing” bracelet course ($395) includes:
15 minutes psychic reading to connect and receive messages from your guardian spirits
Custom bracelet based on full selection of our stones to best match your current energy
Detailed explanation of why the stones were selected based on messages from your guardian spirits.
The “God of Healing” Bracelet
Our Premium “God of Healing” bracelet course ($700 and above) includes:
30 minutes psychic reading to connect and receive messages from your guardian spirits
Custom bracelet based on premium strong energy and rare stones to best match your current energy
Detailed explanation of why the stones were selected based on messages from your guardian spirits.
The Premium “God of Healing” Bracelet
Why is connecting to your guardian spirits / angels important?
No matter who you are, where you come from, or what your life looks like, you have spirit guides sending you helpful messages. Some spirit guides have been with you for your entire life, even since before you were born. Others came on your team as you needed them at different times in your life, and you can use your free will to request more spirit guides still.
Guardian angels are yours exclusively, and we each have more than one! Guardian angels have devoted their lives to helping just you. They love you unconditionally, forever.
Loved ones or family members who've passed on may choose to be one of your spirit guides and actively support you from heaven by helping you in very practical ways, like sending career opportunities or nurturing relationships your way.
One of your grandmothers could be an important spirit guide for you, whether you knew her well in life or not. In fact, any human who has passed on might become a spirit guide for you. If you're a dancer, you could have a spirit guide on your team who was once a dancer and performer too and now wants to help guide and inspire you as an artist.
Part of getting more guidance from your spirit guides is recognizing the messages they are already sending. Many times the messages our guides send are lost on us because our lives are too busy or our minds are too busy.
Many times, the messages from your spirit guides are ignored which lead to more difficulties, suffering, not going how you want, bad health condition, bad relationship, financial trouble, and more.